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Author Jeff W. Horton


Cybersp@ce - Jeff W. Horton Reviewed by Eduardo Aduna for Readers' FavoriteJeff Horton’s "Cybersp@ce" is a fast-paced technological thriller that acutely captures events which may unfold in the very near future. The United States has just suffered a chilling attack which has led to the wasting death of a hundred thousand people. And that is just the beginning. One man’s ambition has placed two superpowers on a collision course that can escalate to a nuclear war. Nick Reynolds, together with an attractive but highly irritating scientist, must do everything they can to prevent a cyber threat and stop a war. To succeed, they must place their hopes on a dangerous artifact, one capable of altering the very fate of human existence. Technology can change the world in ways we cannot imagine, and sometimes, in ways we can. Horton’s "Cybersp@ce" strikes a very relevant chord amidst the events happening in the world today. The global reliance on technology has given rise to potential threats that are more difficult to accurately identify, isolate and neutralize. Horton does another marvelous job of tapping people’s current subconscious fears to weave an action-packed yarn. The story is gripping, the action fast-paced and the characters driven towards their own individual goals. It has all the elements necessary for late night to early morning reading pleasure. The book doesn't get too bogged down with details, giving more room for the characters to live in Horton’s setting and making the reader more able to enjoy the novel. Stop the attacks, save the world, get the girl; you’d think it was that simple but Horton manages to add a few twists that make things much more interesting. "Cybersp@ce" is a fun and easy read, yet it has enough surprises to make the reader ponder long after the last page has been turned.